Today I am honored to be joined by Jennie Argie of Baked at Home, which sells and ships mixes specifically designed for use with cannabis. Their mixes are delicious, and engineered in a way to work very well with cannabis, which has the benefit of allowing the consumer to dose and select the strain according to their exact needs. Baked at Home is moving the cannabis industry forward, and I am so pleased to be able to interview Jennie on this episode of Wake and Bake.
Main Points:
Practicality, ease of use, and speed are important to the cannabis community
Many people will substitute canna oil for regular oil in their cooking, with good results
Edibles need to embrace a very wide variety of foods, because of the varying dietary restrictions of those who benefit from cannabis
One of the main advantages of cooking for yourself is creating the dose and choosing the strain that works for your specific body and needs